Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord the other way about

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
in omloop
(concerning; for; of; over; regarding; after; on; with; upon; in; as to; into; toward); ; ; ;
🔗 I have a bad feeling about this.
(approximately; some; around; roughly; circa);
een stuk of
; ; ; ; ;
🔗 The US and Western officials now estimate that about 200,000 Russian troops have been killed or wounded in battle.
(close; near; nearby; nigh); ;
(close to; near; close by)
(nearby; contiguously); ;
in de nabijheid
; ;
(toward; around); ; ; ;
🔗 It completes three rotations about its axis for every two orbits.
🔗 The old lady pulled her spectacles down and looked over them, about the room.
(path; road)
(manner; mode; bearing; fashion; style);
🔗 There’s just no way.
(route; course; passage; pathway; road)
🔗 She walked the rest of the way at a dignified pace.
(method; approach; avenue; technique)
(means; remedy; resource; avenue; expedience; expedient; recourse; agency)
(custom; mores; usage)
🔗 Many ways were different in Shienar from what he was used to, and there were some to which he would never become accustomed if he lived for ever.
🔗 Someone will come soon to show you the way.
🔗 Many ways were different in Shienar from what he was used to, and there were some to which he would never become accustomed to if he lived for ever.
(direction; trend);
🔗 Shipping goods either way across the UK‐EU border now takes longer and is more expensive since the UK left the EU’s customs union and single market.

the other way about andersom
about aan; betreffende; bij; circa; een stuk of; grofweg; in; in de buurt; in omloop; om; om … heen; omheen; omstreeks; omtrent; onderhand; ongeveer; op het gebied van; over; pakweg; plusminus; rondom; ten naaste bij; zowat; zo’n
way afstand; baan; doorgang; doorreis; eind; eindweegs; gang; gebruik; gewoonte; handelwijze; hebbelijkheid; kant; manier; modus; pad; richting; route; stuk; traject; trant; vaart; ver; weg; wijze