Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord time‐ball

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 If I did as I please, I would not be going to the ball.
(globe; bowl); ;
(ball of the thumb);
muis van de hand
(chunk; clod; lump; hunk; wad)
(earth up; hill up; hole in);
(botch; bungle; screw up; spoil; blow; blunder; flub; foozle); ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
🔗 Many times had Maziran tried to take her.
(course; length; space; span; duration)
🔗 Then they waited in silence for what seemed a long time.
(instant; moment)
(chance; event; occurrence; opportunity; instance; occasion; case);
🔗 Time has taught them no wisdom?
🔗 That doesn’t leave me much time.
🔗 At the exact centre longitude of a time zone, the phenomenon occurs exactly at noon, local time.
🔗 After some time he felt for his pipe.
🔗 Putin’s war is creating more troubles at the worst possible time.

time‐ball tijdbal
ball bal; ballen; bol; danspartij; kloot; kluwen; kluwenen; knot; kogel; pakken; pil; teelbal; zich ballen
time dateren; de duur bepalen van; de maat aangeven bij; de maat slaan; de maat slaan bij; de tijd bepalen van; de tijd opnemen; het ogenblik kiezen voor; keer; klokken; maal; maat; poos; reis; stond; tempo; termijn; tijd; tijdmaat; tijdstip; timen; uitmikken