Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord scrap of paper

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(document; deed; warrant; certificate); ;
🔗 Among those handing their papers to police is Anton Osenev, who says the Russians tried to mobilize him twice to fight against his own country, around his home city of Melitopolʹ.
(hangings; paper‐hangings; wallpaper)
(newspaper; magazine; periodical; mag); ; ;
🔗 Now he declares in a paper just issued in Paris, that everybody will be frozen to death in the year 2011.
(memoir; dissertation)
(report); ;
(condemn; declare unfit for use)
deklari netaŭga
(dispute; quarrel; argument; controversy; disagreement; row; altercation); ; ; ; ; ;
(estate; fall‐out);
🔗 Comfrey is another thing with a terrible root, and every bit must be got out, as it will grow again from the smallest scrap.
(detritus; garbage; leavings; refuse; trash; waste; clippings; litter)
(liquidate; make disappear; delete; eliminate; do away with); ; ;
🔗 The European Commission had threatened to impose sanctions this week if the reforms were not scrapped.

scrap of paper vodje papier
paper agenda; artikel; behangen; behangsel; blaadje; blad; courant; document; geschrift; krant; lijst; met papier beplakken; nieuwsblad; opstel; papier; papieren; prijskamp; stuk; verhandeling; zakje
scrap afdanken; afkeuren; afval; bakkeleien; beetje; brokstuk; buiten dienst stellen; een robbertje vechten; gevecht; kloppartij; knipsel; knokken; kranteknipsel; oud ijzer; oudroest; plaatje; ruzie; schroot; slopen; snipper; snippertje; stukje; uitknipsel; vechtpartij; vodje; zier; zweep