Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord tree

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 The tree is widely cultivated elsewhere in the world.
(arboreal; of a tree)
brown tree climber
(diving lizard; mop‐head iguana)
candelabra tree
(Paraná pine; Brazilian pine)
brazila araŭkario
candlenut tree
carob tree
(algarroba; locust bean; Saint John’s‐bread)
china‐berry tree
(china‐berry; bead‐tree; syringa berry tree; pride of India)
Indische sering
China tree
(goldenrain tree; pride of India; varnish tree)
; ;
gele zeepboom
; ;
coconut tree
(coconut palm; coconut; coco)
🔗 The needles of coniferous trees are compact but are structurally similar to those of broad‐leaved trees.
conker tree
(common horse‐chestnut; horse‐chestnut)
witte paardekastanje
🔗 Liane sped down a wide avenue lined with a few stunted old cypress trees, and he heard Chun close to his heels.
family tree
family tree
(genealogy; pedigree)
fruit salad tree
(fruit salad plant; ceriman; Swiss cheese plant; cheese plant; windowleaf; Mexican breadfruit; delicious monster)
goldenrain tree
(pride of India; China tree; varnish tree)
; ;
gele zeepboom
; ;
humming‐bird tree
(vegetable humming‐bird)
grandflora sesbanio
Joshua tree
(yucca palm; tree yucca; palm‐tree yucca)
josua jukao
kassod tree
(Siamese cassia)
siama kasio
maidenhair tree
(ginkgo; ginkgo tree)
Japanse noteboom
Mayday tree
(bird‐cherry; hagberry; hagberry‐tree; hackberry)
gewone vogelkers
monkey‐puzzle tree
(monkey‐puzzle; monkey tail tree; Chilean pine)
; ;
monkey tail tree
(monkey‐puzzle; monkey‐puzzle tree; Chilean pine)
; ;
nim tree
(neem; neem‐tree; Indian lilac)
Pará rubber tree
(rubber tree)
peanut butter tree
(harlequin glorybower; glorytree)
plane tree
(sycamore; plane; plane‐tree)
pomelo tree
rubber tree
(Pará rubber tree)
syringa berry tree
(china‐berry; china‐berry tree; bead‐tree; pride of India)
Indische sering
tangerine tree
Texas umbrella tree
(china‐berry; china‐berry tree; bead‐tree; syringa berry tree; pride of India)
Indische sering
tree lupin
tree root
tree stump
🔗 Experiments conducted on the tree swallow, which does not use yarrow, suggest that adding yarrow to nests inhibits the growth of parasites.
tree tobacco
tree tomato
tree tomato
tree yucca
(Joshua tree; yucca palm; palm‐tree yucca)
josua jukao
tulip tree
(whitewood; tulip poplar; yellow poplar; American tulip tree; fiddle‐tree)
varnish tree
(goldenrain tree; pride of India; China tree)
; ;
gele zeepboom
; ;
walnut tree
🔗 I haven’t seen you look like that since Cenn Buie caught you and Mat up in his apple‐trees when you were ten.
🔗 Ash‐trees and maples have larger seeds with blade‐shaped wings which spiral down to the ground when released.
(bay laurel; sweet bay; true laurel; Grecian laurel; laurel‐tree; laurel)
nobla laŭro
(china‐berry; china‐berry tree; syringa berry tree; pride of India)
Indische sering
(wild service‐tree; chequers; chequers‐tree)
(red cotton‐tree; red silk‐cotton)
Indische kapokboom
hinda bombako
(elder; elderberry);
🔗 I am very fond of the elder‐tree.
🔗 In Britain in the 1990s, 25 million elm‐trees were killed by this disease.
(tulip tree; whitewood; tulip poplar; yellow poplar; American tulip tree)
; ;
(harlequin glorybower; peanut butter tree)
(eucalypt; eucalyptus)
(holly; holm)
(bay laurel; sweet bay; bay‐tree; true laurel; Grecian laurel; laurel)
nobla laŭro
(linden‐tree; lime; linden; basswood);
🔗 At the edge of the terrace grew a single old lime‐tree with a heavy trunk and sprawling boughs.
(false acacia; robinia)
🔗 Point to a mango‐tree.
(hawthorn; whitethorn; may‐bush);
(neem; Indian lilac; nim tree)
(pine); ;
🔗 Two boys, ages 7 and 2, were killed in Parvin State Park in Salem County when a pine‐tree snapped and fell on their campsite, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection said in a news release.
(true service‐tree)
peervormige lijsterbes
(euonymus; spindle)
(nux vomica; poison‐nut);
🔗 The state is characterized by treeless prairie, ideal for cattle‐grazing, and it is a major producer of beef, as well as pork, maize and soybeans.
(stem; trunk; bole; log);

tree boom; leest
as the twig is bent, the tree is inclined jong geleerd, oud gedaan
a tree is known by its fruit aan de vruchten kent men de boom
bark up the wrong tree op het verkeerde spoor zijn
be up a tree in de aap gelogeerd zijn
brown tree climber mopskopleguaan
candelabra tree Braziliaanse araucaria
candlenut tree kaarsboom
china‐berry tree Indische sering
China tree Chinese vernisboom; blazenboom; gele zeepboom; koelruit; lampionboom
Christmas tree kerstboom
coconut tree klapperboom; kokospalm
conker tree witte paardekastanje
family tree stamboom
foliage tree loofboom
fruit salad tree gatenplant
genealogical tree geslachtsboom; stamboom
go climb a tree! je kunt me de bout hachelen!; krijg het heen‐en‐weer!
goldenrain tree Chinese vernisboom; blazenboom; gele zeepboom; koelruit; lampionboom
he can go climb a tree! hij kan de pip krijgen!
humming‐bird tree schaamboom
it drives me up a tree ik krijg er een punthoofd van
Joshua tree Jozuaboom
kassod tree djoewar
maidenhair tree Japanse noteboom; Japanse tempelboom; ginkgo
Mayday tree gewone vogelkers; vogelkers
monkey‐bread tree apebroodboom; baobab
monkey‐puzzle tree apeboom; apetreiter; slangenden
monkey tail tree apeboom; apetreiter; slangenden
not see the wood for the trees door de bomen het bos niet zien
pagoda tree waringin
Pará rubber tree Braziliaanse rubberboom
peanut butter tree kansenboom; pindakaasboom
rubber tree Braziliaanse rubberboom
syringa berry tree Indische sering
tangerine tree mandarijneboom
target tree doelboom
Texas umbrella tree Indische sering
tree line boomgrens
tree lupin boomlupine
tree of liberty vrijheidsboom
tree root boomwortel
tree stump boomstomp; boomstronk
tree swallow Amerikaanse boomzwaluw; boomzwaluw
tree tobacco boomtabak
tree tomato boomtomaat; tamarillo
tree yucca Jozuaboom
tulip tree tulpeboom
varnish tree Chinese vernisboom; blazenboom; gele zeepboom; koelruit; lampionboom
walnut tree noteboom
weeping tree treurboom
alder‐tree elzeboom
apple‐tree appelboom
ash‐tree es; esseboom
aspen‐tree espeboom
axle‐tree as; wagenas
bay‐tree laurier; laurierboom
bead‐tree Indische sering
beech‐tree beuk
birch‐tree berk; berkeboom
breadfruit‐tree broodboom
cacao‐tree cacaoboom
camphor‐tree kamferboom
chequer‐tree elsbes
cherry‐tree kerseboom
cinchona‐tree kinaboom
coffee‐tree koffieboom
cotton‐tree Indische kapokboom; katoenboom
crosstree zaling
date‐tree dadelboom
dragon‐tree drakebloedboom
elder‐tree vlierboom
elm‐tree iep; iepeboom
fan‐tree waaierboom
fig‐tree vijgeboom
forest‐tree bosboom
fruit‐tree fruitboom; ooftboom; vruchtboom
glorytree kansenboom
gum‐tree eucalyptus; gomboom
holly‐tree hulstboom
Judas‐tree Judasboom
laurel‐tree laurier; laurierboom
lemon‐tree citroenboom
lilac‐tree seringeboom
lime‐tree limoen; linde; lindeboom
locust‐tree Christusdoorn; robinia
mango‐tree mangoboom
maple‐tree ahorn; ahornboom; esdoorn; esdoornboom
maytree meidoorn; meidoren
neem‐tree niemboom
nut‐tree noteboom
oak‐tree eik; eikeboom
olive‐tree olijfboom
palm‐tree palmboom
peach‐tree perzikboom
pear‐tree pereboom
pea‐tree erwtestruik
pine‐tree den; denneboom; greneboom; mastboom; pijn; pijnboom
plum‐tree pruimeboom
roof‐tree nokbalk
rose‐tree rozeboom; rozelaar
service‐tree peerlijsterbes; peervormige lijsterbes
shoetree schoenspanner
spindle‐tree kardinaalsmuts; papenhout
strychnine‐tree braaknootboom; braaknoteboom
swingle‐tree zwenghout
tree‐bark boomschors
tree‐branch boomtak
tree‐creeper boomkruiper
tree‐fern boomvaren
tree‐frog boomkikker; boomkikvors
treeless boomloos
tree‐nymph boomnimf
tree‐pipit boompieper
trees geboomte
tree‐sparrow ringelmus; ringmus
treetop boomtop
tree‐trunk boomstam; stam
yew‐tree taxus; taxusboom