Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord god‐fearing

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(pious; devotional; devout; godly; reverent)
(agony; anguish; angst);
(be afraid of; be in a funk); ; ; ;
vrees koesteren voor
🔗 Fear nothing.
(apprehension; fright; trepidation; alarm; apprehensiveness)
🔗 He wanted to stay and help his father, though he could not imagine how, but fear had him by the throat, and his legs moved on their own.
(be afraid);
🔗 She fears that Russian troops will advance from the city of Izjum—which is under Russian control—in the south‐east and take Charkiv.
🔗 Christians believe that God has actually visited us in human form.

god‐fearing godvrezend
fear angst; angst koesteren voor; bang zijn; benauwdheid; duchten; schromen; vervaardheid; vrees; vrees koesteren voor; vreze; vrezen
God God