English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word apprehend

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(arrest; detain; nick); ;
🔗 During the raids, some Lao sex workers and brothel caretakers were apprehended.
(realize; understand; appreciate; catch; comprehend; fathom);
(catch; grapple; captivate; grab; seize; trap; bag; grasp; snare)
(arrest; detention; custody); ;
(fear; fright; trepidation; alarm; apprehensiveness);
🔗 Perhaps Trump will surprise us, but what the world has seen so far explains why there is so much apprehension among America’s allies and so much glee in Moscow.
(anxiety; apprehensiveness);
(afraid; frightened);
(misunderstand; mistake)

apprehend aanhouden; aanvatten; arresteren; begrijpen; beseffen; bevroeden; duchten; gevangen nemen; grijpen; in arrest nemen; in hechtenis nemen; vatten; vrezen
apprehension aanhouding; aanvatten; angst; arrestatie; beduchtheid; begrip; bevatting; bezorgdheid; gevangenneming; inhechtenisneming; vatten; vrees
apprehensive beducht; begrips‐; bevattelijk; bevreesd; bezorgd
misapprehend misverstaan; verkeerd begrijpen