Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord school

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 Tom reached school ahead of time.
high school
(gymnasium; grammar‐school)
(secondary school)
🔗 To qualify for any of the 100,000 available railway jobs, candidates had to have finished high school.
nursery school
(grammar school; elementary school);
lagere school
🔗 Her mother teaches English in a primary school and helps in the field.
🔗 And in Buffalo, New York, public schools will be closed Friday due to the severe weather.
school desk
(desk; lectern)
school desk
lerneja tablo
school education
lerneja instruado
school excursion
(school outing)
school holiday
(school holidays)
school holidays
(school holiday)
(leaving examination)
school outing
(school excursion)
school yard
secondary school
secondary school
(high school)
; ;
🔗 Leaders of a Muslim boarding‐school “undermined British values” by allowing its library to stock a book calling for homosexual people to be punished.
(school of motoring)
(school of motoring)
(evening‐school; evening classes)
vespera lernejo
(pupil; scholar; schoolchild; student)
(pupil; scholar; schoolboy; student)
(female pupil)
🔗 These are schoolgirls that are being detained.
lernejaj horoj

school de les lezen; dresseren; faculteit; hogeschool; leerschool; leervertrek; oefenen; onderwijzen; richting; scholen; scholen vormen; school; schoolgebouw; schoollokaal; schooltijd; vermanen
approved school opvoedingsgesticht; rijksopvoedingsgesticht; verbeteringsgesticht
at school op school
aviation school vliegschool
ballet school balletschool
boys’ school jongensschool
business school school voor bedrijfskunde
commercial school handelsschool
comprehensive school scholengemeenschap
convent school kloosterschool; nonnenschool
day school dagschool
denominational school bijzondere school
evening school avondschool
flying school vliegschool
girls’ school meisjesschool
government school staatsschool
grade school lagere school
graduate school doctoraalopleiding
high school gym; gymnasium; lyceum; middelbare school
horticultural school tuinbouwschool
infant school bewaarschool; kleuterschool
in school in de klas
junior high school middenschool
junior school basisschool
leave school van school afgaan; van school gaan
middle school lagere school; middenschool
military school cadettenschool; krijgsschool
monastic school kloosterschool
Montessori school Montessorischool
municipal school gemeenteschool; stadsschool
musketry school schietschool
national school volksschool
naval school zeevaartschool
normal school kweekschool
nursery school bewaarschool; kleuterschool
nursery school teacher peuterleidster
of the old school van de oude stempel
old school tie vriendjesnetwerk
out of school buiten de schooluren; buiten schooltijd
polytechnic school polytechnische school
preparatory school voorbereidingsschool
prep school voorbereidingsschool
primary school basisschool; lagere school
private school bijzondere school; particuliere school
proprietary school particuliere school
public school <particuliere opleidingsschool voor de universiteit>; middelbare school; openbare school; volksschool
reformatory school opvoedingsgesticht; tuchtschool; verbeteringsgesticht
reform school opvoedingsgesticht; tuchtschool; verbeteringsgesticht
school age leerplichtige leeftijd
school atlas schoolatlas
school building schoolgebouw
school crossing patrol jeugdverkeersbrigade
school desk schooltafel
school diary schoolagenda
school discipline schooltucht
school doctor schoolarts
school examination schoolexamen
school excursion schoolreis; schoolreisje
school fee schoolgeld
school fees schoolgeld
school function schoolfeest
school fund schoolfonds
school holidays schoolvakantie
school hour schooluur
school journey schoolreis
school medical officer schoolarts
school necessaries schoolbehoeften; schoolgerei
school of acting toneelschool
school of commerce handelshogeschool
school of economics handelshogeschool
school of navigation zeevaartschool
school of thought richting; school
school outing schoolreis; schoolreisje
school paper schoolkrant
school party schoolfeest
school report schoolrapport
school safety patrol jeugdverkeersbrigade
school song schoollied
school subject schoolvak
school television schooltelevisie
school yard schoolplein
school year schooljaar
secondary school middelbare school; onderbouw
streamed school <school met groepen van bekwaamheid>
Sunday school zondagsschool
technical school industrieschool; lagere technische school; nijverheidsschool; vakschool
tell tales out of school klikken; uit de school klappen
the higher school de hogere klassen
the lower school de lagere klassen
veterinary school veeartsenijschool
village school dorpsschool
vocational school beroepsschool
blind‐school blindeninrichting
boarding‐school instituut; internaat; kostschool; pensionaat
charity‐school armenschool
cramming‐school drilschool
dancing‐school dansschool
drawing‐school tekenschool
driving‐school autorijschool; rijschool
gunnery‐school schietschool
night‐school avondschool
pre‐school peuter‐
riding‐school manege; rijschool
schoolbag schooltas
school‐board schoolcommissie
schoolbook schoolboek
schoolboy scholier; schooljongen
school‐bus schoolbus
schoolchild scholier; schoolkind
school‐committee schoolcommissie
school‐day schooldag
school‐days schooljaren; schooltijd
school‐fellow medeleerling; schoolkameraad; schoolmakker
schoolfriend schoolmakker; schoolvriend
school‐garden schooltuin
schoolgirl scholiere; schoolmeisje
schoolhouse huis van de bovenmeester; school; schoolgebouw
schooling onderwijs; scholing; schoolgeld; schoolonderwijs; training
school‐inspection schoolinspectie; schooltoezicht
school‐inspector schoolinspecteur; schoolopziener
school‐knowledge schoolkennis
school‐leaver schoolverlater
schoolman schoolgeleerde
schoolmaster frik; hoofdmeester; hoofdonderwijzer; leraar; onderwijzer; schoolgeleerde; schoolmeester
schoolmate medescholier; schoolkameraad; schoolmakker
schoolmistress hoofdonderwijzeres; lerares; onderwijzeres; schooljuffrouw
schoolroom schoollokaal
school‐ship opleidingsschip; schoolschip
schoolteacher leerkracht; onderwijzer; onderwijzeres
school‐teaching onderwijs; schoolonderwijs; schoolopleiding
school‐time schooltijd
school‐work schoolwerk
ski‐school sneeuwklas; sneeuwschool
summer‐school vakantiecursus; zomercursus
swimming‐school zwemschool
training‐school oefenschool; opleidingsschool; regentaat; vormschool