Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord base

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 It was also not clear if Trump’s comment was based on news reports or if the White House had been given official notice.
(low; vile; depraved; ignoble; lowlife; mean; sordid); ; ; ;
(pedestal; plinth; stand; socle)
(basis; footing; ground; platform; stem);
(basic; fundamental)
🔗 Polymorphism allows you to treat a collection of objects of types all derived from a common base as if they were each instances of that base type.
🔗 That will mean thousands more troops, which Lithuania would like to see based permanently around the small country’s 621‐mile‐long borders with Belarus and Russia.
🔗 One of Russia’s top military commanders, general Sergej Surovikin, has urged Wagner mercenary fighters to “obey the will and command” of president Putin and return to their base.
(air force base);
🔗 There was an air base there, used by the Allies to attack parts of New Guinea.
🔗 As we mentioned earlier, there are reports circulating that Russia has signed a deal for a permanent naval base on the Black Sea coast of the breakaway Georgian region of Abkhazia.
(groundless; unfounded; untenable)

base als basis aanwijzen; base; baseren; basis; fundament; gemeen; grond; gronden; grondlijn; grondslag; grondtal; grondvlak; honk; laag; laag‐bij‐de‐gronds; laaghartig; meet; min; minderwaardig; onderbouwen; onedel; schildvoet; slecht; snood; stationeren; vals; voet; voetstuk; vuig
air base luchtbasis; luchtmachtbasis; vliegbasis
base camp basiskamp
base coin slecht geld; vals geld
base flattery ogendienst
base metal onedel metaal
base of operations operatiebasis; uitvalsbasis
base on baseren op
base one’s case on zich baseren op
base rate rentestandaard; rentevoet
broadly based op brede basis
home base thuisbasis
naval base marinebasis; vlootbasis
rocket base raketbasis
taxi base taxicentrale
touch base zich op de hoogte stellen
baseless ongegrond
basely gemeen; laag; onedel; op lage wijze; snood; vuig
baseness gemeenheid; laagheid; minderwaardigheid; minheid; onechtheid; snoodheid; vuigheid
wheelbase radstand; wielbasis