Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord loyalty

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(adherence; allegiance; fealty); ;
🔗 President Donald Trump’s fortress of loyalty is beginning to crumble.
🔗 In a statement issued by the government spokesman, Mugabe accused the vice‐president of “disloyalty, disrespect, deceitfulness and unreliability”.
(faithful; upright; staunch; true; trusty; straightforward); ;
🔗 But Trump’s rallying cry did prompt some of his loyal supporters to congregate at tabulation centres to demand the counting be halted.

loyalty getrouwheid; loyaliteit; trouw
loyalty card klantenkaart
disloyalty deloyaliteit; oncollegialiteit; ontrouw; trouwbreuk; trouweloosheid
loyal getrouw; loyaal; trouw