Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord language study

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 How many languages do you speak?
(idiom; speech; tongue);
🔗 Study the following examples.
🔗 The acquisition of any language requires conscientious and purposeful study, and if you are prepared to approach the study of Gaelic in this spirit, this course of thirty‐five lessons will enable you to read Gaelic, understand Gaelic and—most important of all—to engage in Gaelic conversation.
🔗 The authors also note that the study of animal medication will have direct relevance for human food production.
(examine; explore; investigate; research; prospect; survey; check out);
(étude; sketch)
(cabinet; office)
🔗 Go to my private study.

language study taalstudie
language spraak; taal
study beoefenen; beoefening; bestuderen; bestudering; etude; in studie nemen; instuderen; rekening houden met; streven; studeerkamer; studeervertrek; studeren; studie; studio