Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord advise

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(counsel); ;
🔗 I advise that everyone stop drinking sodas.
(inform; let know; announce; apprise; convey; notify; make known); ;
kond doen van
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
(inform; report; acquaint; enlighten; notify; apprise);
🔗 According to Reuters, the 32‐year‐old also said she attempted to purchase a ticket from German airline Lufthansa but was advised that she could only enter the Schengen Area through Spain which had issued her visa.
advise against
(dissuade from)
(counsel); ;
🔗 Does Donald Tusk think the UK has followed his advice?
(consultant); ;
🔗 US president Donald Trump’s top economic advisor Gary Cohn is resigning, the White House has said.
(mentor; counsellor);
(assessor; assistant);

advise aanraden; adviseren; beraadslagen; berichten; overwégen; raad geven; raden; voorlichten
advise against ontraden
advise somebody iemand van advies dienen
advise somebody against something iemand iets afraden
by the advise of op advies van
ill advised onverstandig
on the advise of op advies van
advice advies; bericht; raad; raadgeving; voorlichting
advisable geraden; raadzaam
advised beraden; welberaden
advisor adviseur; consulent; raadgever; raadsman; raadsvrouw
advisory advies‐; adviserend; raadgevend