English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word breach of contract

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
bressen slaan
bressen slaan in
een bres slaan
een bres slaan in
🔗 Ukrainian generals claim they have breached Russia’s formidable first line of defences in the south, as the counter‐offensive launched earlier this summer may be poised to gather pace.
(agreement; compact; deal); ;
🔗 Russia has cut off gas supplies to Bulgaria and Poland because they refused to pay in roubles rather than the currency of the contract.
🔗 The Russian economy is set to contract by 8.8% in 2022, the economy ministry has said.

breach of contract contractbreuk
breach bres; breuk; doorbraak; een bres schieten in; inbreuk; inbreuk maken op; kloof; overtreding; schenden; schending
contract aanbesteding; aangaan; aannemen; contract; contracteren; inkrimpen; oplopen; overeenkomst; samenballen; samentrekken; sluiten; uitbesteden; verbintenis; verdrag; verloving; zich op de hals halen; zich samentrekken