Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord quotation

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(citation; excerpt; passage; quote; adduction)
quotation mark
(inverted comma; quote)
quotation marks
(inverted comma; quotation mark)
🔗 How do I extract text between quotes?
(quotation; citation; excerpt; passage; adduction);
(cite; adduce);
🔗 CNN’s Dana Bash and Gloria Borger, for instance, quoted sources as saying that the president, who believes that the Russia investigation dented his own legitimacy, is now trying to ruin Biden’s presidency.

quotation aanhaling; citaat; koers; koersnotering; notering; prijsnotering; prijsopgaaf; prijsopgave; quotering
final quotation eindcijfer
market quotation koersnotering; marktprijs
place something in quotation marks iets tussen aanhalingstekens plaatsen
put something in quotation marks iets tussen aanhalingstekens plaatsen
quotation in support bewijsplaats
quotation mark aanhalingsteken
quotation marks aanhalingstekens
quotation of prices prijsnotering
stock exchange quotation beurskoers; beursnotering
misquotation verkeerde aanhaling
quote aanhalen; aanhaling; citaat; citeren; noteren; opgeven