Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord fruit

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 Poisonings are more common in young children, who are enticed by the brightly coloured fruits.
🔗 Plants that experience cold nighttime temperatures will set fruit.
accessory fruit
falsa frukto
bear fruit
vrucht dragen
capsular fruit
citrus fruit
dragon fruit
fruit bat
vliegende hond
fruit juice
fruit machine
(slot‐machine; one‐armed bandit; penny‐in‐the‐slot machine)
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fruit salad plant
(fruit salad tree; ceriman; Swiss cheese plant; cheese plant; windowleaf; Mexican breadfruit; delicious monster)
fruit salad tree
(fruit salad plant; ceriman; Swiss cheese plant; cheese plant; windowleaf; Mexican breadfruit; delicious monster)
🔗 He seated himself on a bench to the side and presently was served a goblet of soft fruit wine.
fuzzy kiwi fruit
delikata aktinidio
kiwi fruit
🔗 Perhaps the biggest surprise for us was that animals like fruit‐flies and butterflies can choose food for their offspring that minimizes the impacts of disease in the next generation
(fertile; productive)
🔗 Mali’s interim prime minister colonel Abdoulaye Maiga, appointed by coup leaders, hailed the “exemplary and fruitful cooperation” with Moscow.
(futile; useless; vain; idle; ineffectual; sterile; abortive)
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🔗 They resembled jackfruit, though smaller, and it turns out that they’re part of the same family, along with figs.

fruit flikker; fruit; ooft; opbrengst; vrucht; vruchten; vruchten doen dragen; vruchten dragen
accessory fruit schijnvrucht
a tree is known by its fruit aan de vruchten kent men de boom
bear fruit vrucht dragen; vruchten afwerpen; vruchten dragen
capsular fruit doosvrucht; kapsel
citrus fruit citrusvrucht
dragon fruit drakevrucht
fruit bat vleerhond; vliegende hond
fruit cake vruchtencake
fruit cocktail vruchtencocktail; vruchtensalade
fruit cordial vruchtesap
fruit cup vruchtenbowl
fruit dish fruitschaal; vruchtenschaal
fruit farm vruchtenkwekerij
fruit ice vruchtenijs
fruit jelly vruchtengelei
fruit juice sapje; vruchtesap
fruit lemonade vruchtenlimonade
fruit machine fruitautomaat; fruitmachine; gokautomaat; gokkast; speelautomaat
fruit market fruitmarkt
fruit picker fruitplukker
fruit pie vruchtentaart
fruit salad vluchtenslaatje; vruchtensalade; vruchtensla
fruit salad plant gatenplant
fruit salad tree gatenplant
fruit shop fruitwinkel
fruit syrup vruchtenstroop
fruit wine vruchtenwijn
reap the fruits of de vruchten plukken van
spurious fruit schijnvrucht
tinned fruit vruchten in blik
breadfruit broodboom; broodboomvrucht; broodvrucht
fruitage ooft; vruchtdragen
fruitarian vruchteneter
fruit‐basket fruitmand; vruchtenmand
fruit‐bearing vruchtdragend
fruiter fruitkweker; fruitschip; vruchtboom
fruit‐fly bananevlieg; fruitvlieg
fruitful vruchtbaar; vruchtdragend
fruit‐grower fruitkweker; vruchtenkweker
fruit‐knife vruchtemesje
fruitless nutteloos; vergeefs; vruchteloos; zonder vrucht; zonder vruchten
fruit‐seller vruchtenkoopman
fruit‐squeezer vruchtepers
fruit‐sugar vruchtesuiker
fruit‐tart vruchtentaart
fruit‐tree fruitboom; ooftboom; vruchtboom
fruity fruitig; pikant; pittig; sappig; smakelijk; vruchten‐; vrucht‐
garden‐fruit tuinvrucht
grapefruit grapefruit; pompelmoes
jackfruit nangka; nanka
passion‐fruit passievrucht
star‐fruit carambola; stervrucht
stone‐fruit steenvrucht