Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord European roe‐deer

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
European roe‐deer
(European roe; western roe; western roe‐deer)
Europese ree
eŭropa kapreolo
🔗 Ecologist Roeland Vermeulen says settled wolves are more likely to eat deer or wild boar.
(of a deer)
🔗 Scientists from Durham University, UK, in collaboration with the University of Sassari in Italy, found that the diet of wolves was consistently dominated by the consumption of wild boar, which accounted for about two thirds of total prey biomass, with roe‐deer accounting for around a third.

European roe‐deer Europese ree
deer hert; herten
roe‐deer ree