English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word successful

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Ukrainian troops were successful in the Staromajorsʹke area on the southern front
(complete; integral; plenary; thorough)
(replete; satisfied);
(complete; integral; thoroughgoing; whole); ; ;
🔗 A failure to strike a full trade agreement would therefore require emergency measures to be put in place.
; ;
(prosperity; weal)
🔗 I wish you every success.
met goed gevolg
🔗 Counter‐attacks by Ukrainian forces are successfully regaining territory in several areas as Russian forces regroup and refocus their efforts on operations in the east of the country.

successfulgelukkig; geslaagd; succes‐; succesvol; voorspoedig
be successfulsucces hebben
be successful inerin slagen om
fullgevuld; goed; goedgevuld; heel; plenair; rond; ten volle; uitvoerig; vervuld; verzadigd; vlak; vol; volledig; vollen; voltallig; volwaardig; zeer
successgeluk; goed gevolg; gunstige afloop; klapper; succes; uitslag; welslagen
successfullymet goed gevolg; met goede uitslag; met succes; met vrucht; voorspoedig
unsuccessfulabortief; geen succes hebbend; mislukt; niet gelukt; niet geslaagd; onvoorspoedig; zonder succes