Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord salary

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(wage; wages; pay; remuneration; stipend); ; ;
🔗 I imagine oil field workers experience the same thing, although their salaries are guaranteed more than those of strippers.
commencing salary
komenca salajro

salary bezoldigen; bezoldiging; loon; salariëren; salaris; traktement
commencing salary aanvangssalaris; beginsalaris
fixed salary vast salaris
gross salary brutosalaris
monthly salary maandsalaris
salary increase loonsverhoging; salarisverhoging
salary limit loongrens
salary reduction salarisverlaging
salary scale salarisschaal
salary slip salarisstrook
top salary topsalaris
salaried bezoldigd; gesalarieerd