Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord publicity

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
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(proclamation; publication); ;
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🔗 The mayor of Kyiv, Vitalij Kličko, has told the BBC the Russian public will eventually realize their young soldiers are dying for nothing more than Russian president Vladimir Putin’s ambitions.
🔗 It will be paid from public funds.

publicity openbaarheid; publiciteit; reclame; ruchbaarheid; ruchtbaarheid
give publicity to publiek maken
negative publicity antireclame
publicity agency reclamebureau
publicity film reclamefilm
publicity stunt reclamestunt
public algemeen; gemeen; lands‐; openbaar; openlijk; overheids‐; publiek; rijks‐; staats‐; volks‐