Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord coal

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
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🔗 We must become independent from Russian oil, coal and gas
🔗 Suddenly the coin in his pocket, the coin Moiraine had given him, seemed like a burning coal.
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🔗 In September, at least 16 workers in southwestern China died after they became trapped underground in a coalmine and exposed to unsafe levels of carbonmonoxide, state media reported.

coal kolen; kolen innemen; kolen laden; kool; steenkool; van kolen voorzien
blow the coals stoken
carry coals to Newcastle uilen naar Athene dragen; water naar de zee dragen
coal basin kolenbekken
egg coal eierkolen
get raked over the coals ervan langs krijgen
haul somebody over the coals iemand de mantel uitvegen; iemand een uitbrander geven
heap coals of fire upon somebody’s head vurige kolen op iemands hoofd stapelen
charcoal houtskool; kool
coal‐black koolzwart; pikzwart
coal‐dross steenkoolgruis
coal‐dust gruis; kolengruis; kolenstof
coaler kolenschip; kolentrein
coalfield kolenbekken
coal‐fire kolenvuur
coal‐gas lichtgas
coal‐heaver kolendrager
coal‐hole kolenhok
coal‐layer steenkoollaag
coalman kolenboer; kolenman
coalmine kolenmijn; steenkolenmijn; steenkoolmijn
coalminer mijnwerker
coal‐pit kolenmijn
coal‐scoop kolenschep; kolenschop
coal‐scuttle kolenemmer; kolenkit
coal‐seam kolenader; kolenbedding
coal‐shed kolenhok; kolenschuur
coal‐shovel kolenschep; kolenschop
coal‐stratum kolenlaag
coal‐tar koolteer; steenkoolteer
coal‐trimmer kolentremmer
coal‐truck kolenwagen