Afrikaans–Engelse woordeboek

Engelse vertaling van die Afrikaanse woord soet

Afrikaans → Engels
soet candied; dulcet; fresh; luscious; mellow; mellowy; sugary; sweet; well‐behaved
die soete met die sure aanneem take the bitter with the sweet
soet wees be good
heuningsoet honeyed; honey‐sweet; mellifluent; mellifluous; sugared
oorsoet luscious
soetagtig sweetish
soeterig sweetish
soetgebak confectionery; pastry
soetgras sweet‐grass; vernal grass
soetheid sweetness
soethout licorice; sweet‐root
soetigheid honey; sweet
soetklinkend euphonic; euphonious
soetlemoen orange
soetlief sweetie; sweetheart
soetmelk fresh milk; sweet milk
soetolie sweet oil
soetpeul honey‐locust
soetpeulboom locust; locust‐tree
soetriet red amber‐cane
soetsappig goody‐goody; honey‐lipped; honey‐mouthed; insipid; mealy‐mouthed; milky; namby‐pamby; soft
soetsopie liqueur
soetstemmig golden‐voiced
soetsuur sweet‐and‐sour
soetvleis fillet; sweetbread
soetvloeiend mellifluent; mellifluous; melodious
soetvyl smooth‐file
stroopsoet goody‐goody
suursoet sour‐sweet
versoet edulcorate; lighten; sugar