English–German dictionary

German translation of the English word morning glory

English → German
EnglishGerman (translated indirectly)Esperanto
morning glory
morning glory
(bindweed; field bindweed; convolvulus)
morning glory
(false bindweed)
morning glory
(Mexican morning glory)
Himmelblaue Prunkwinde
dwarf morning glory
(dwarf convolvulus; tricolour convolvulus)
Dreifarbige Winde
Dreifarbige Gartenwinde
Mexican morning glory
(morning glory)
Himmelblaue Prunkwinde
(fame; renown)
🔗 Šojgu revelled in glory and was often seen in television reports with Putin, conferring, hunting or fishing.
🔗 I will be busy in the morning.

morning glory Himmelblaue Prunkwinde; Prunkwinde; Winde; Zaunwinde
dwarf morning glory Dreifarbige Gartenwinde; Dreifarbige Winde
Mexican morning glory Himmelblaue Prunkwinde
glory Ruhm
morning Morgen; Vormittag