English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word suspicious

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
; ;
🔗 “How would you do this?” asked the suspicious Mazirian.
🔗 Iran has denied any military development work but has not given international inspectors access to suspicious sites.
(mistrust); ;
; ;
🔗 Suspicion has fallen on Russia over a series of confirmed or apparent acts of sabotage and espionage that took place late last year in Western Europe, experts say, with European countries increasingly taking measures in response.
🔗 Guyal took his and glanced suspiciously at the murky brew.

suspicious achterdochtig; argwanend; kwaaddenkend; suspect; verdacht; wantrouwend; wantrouwig
become suspicious achterdocht krijgen; argwaan krijgen
have a suspicious look er verdacht uitzien
suspicion achterdocht; argwaan; verdenking; vermoeden; wantrouwen
suspicious‐looking verdacht uitziend
suspiciously bedenkelijk; verdacht; wantrouwend; wantrouwig
unsuspicious argeloos; niet achterdochtig