English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word crying

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
; ;
(call; shout)
🔗 “What said he?” cried king Casmir.
(shout; call); ;
🔗 Dorothy looked, and gave a little cry of fright.
(weep); ;
(howl; yell; bawl; yowl)
(howl; yell; yowl)
(cry out; scream; call out)
(shed tears; weep)

crying dringend; gehuil; geschrei; geween; hemeltergend; schreeuwend
a crying shame doodzonde
crying to heaven hemeltergend
cry blaffen; geblaf; gebruk; gehuil; gejank; geroep; geschreeuw; grienen; huilbui; huilen; janken; kreet; krijs; krijten; omroepen; roep; roepen; schreeuw; schreeuwen; schreien; simmen; simpen; uitroep; uitroepen