English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word bullshit

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
; ;
à la hausse speculeren
(dung; excrement; excrements; faeces; droppings; stools; muck; stool; turd); ; ; ; ; ; ;
🔗 When you spread shit all over your food, you increase the odds of bacterial contamination.
(muck; sludge; dregs; lees); ; ; ;
(farrago; garbage; rubbish; abracadabra; balderdash; baloney)
(defecate; poop; drite); ;
🔗 Thanks to the marines, I no longer shit in a public toilet with any embarrassment.

bullshit flauwekul; gelul; lulkoek; lullen; nonsens; ouwehoeren; zeiken
bull bul; de koersen opdrijven; flauwekul; geouwehoer; hausse‐; haussier; mannetje; mannetjes‐; roos; schot in de roos; stier; stieren‐; stiere‐; à la hausse speculeren
bullshitter ouwehoer
shit gelul; kak; kakken; poep; poepen; schijt; schijten; shit; stront; verdomme