Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word skuim

Afrikaans → English
skuim crest; dross; flotsam and jetsam; foam; froth; head; lather; mantle; recrement; refuse; residuum; scourings; scum; sparkle; spray; spume
afskuim despumate; scum; skim
meerskuim meerschaum
metaalskuim clinker; dross; slag; slack
paddaskuim toadspit
seeskuim sea‐foam; sea spray
skuimaarde skimmings
skuimbek foam at the mouth
skuimbesie frog‐hopper; spittle‐bug
skuimbrandblusser foam fire‐extinguisher
skuimend nappy; foaming; foamy; frothy; lively; spumous; spumy; yeasty
skuimerig barmy; drossy; spumescent
skuiming frothing; spumescence
skuimkoekie meringue
skuimkraan scum‐cock
skuimloos foamless
skuimnagereg fool
skuimneiging foaming tendency
skuimpie meringue
skuimpspaantjie skimmer
skuimrubber foam rubber
waaiskuim spindrift