Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word ontlas

Afrikaans → English
ontlas decompress; defecate; deplete; disburden; disencumber; empty; evacuate; relieve; unburden; void
hom ontlas relieve nature; go to stool
ontlas van disburden of; take off
las annoyance; bore; bother; burden; burthen; charge; clamp; discomfort; cumber; cumbrance; onus; fish; last; load; splice; weld; worry; freightage; join; joint; junction; juncture; mend; onerousness; piece; scabrousness; scarf; tax; trouble; vexatiousness; weight; worriment
ontlasting bowel‐action; bowel‐movement; evacuation of bowels; defecation; disencumbrance; evacuation; excrement; exoneration; stool