Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord small‐fruited

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 Poisonings are more common in young children, who are enticed by the brightly coloured fruits.
🔗 Plants that experience cold nighttime temperatures will set fruit.
small‐fruited black nightshade
(black nightshade; European black nightshade; garden nightshade; hound’s berry)
zwarte nachtschade
(little; petit; petite; slim); ; ;
🔗 The garden seemed smaller.
🔗 Among NATO members, Iceland has the smallest population and is the only one with no standing army.
🔗 There is however one small problem.
🔗 Please read this if you are travelling with a small child.

fruitflikker; fruit; ooft; opbrengst; vrucht; vruchten; vruchten doen dragen; vruchten dragen
small‐fruited black nightshadezwarte nachtschade
smallarmzalig; dun; gering; klein; kleingeestig; kleintje; kleinzielig; luttel; min; miniem; onbelangrijk; priegelig; weinig; zwak

Vertaling door derde partijen:

Het woord small‐fruited kon door ons niet in de geselecteerde doeltaal vertaald worden.