Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord chopping

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(cut off; hack); ;
(dice; mince)
(cut; hack; hew);
(chop up; hack)
🔗 Chop and stack, chop and stack, he lost himself in the rhythm of the axe and the motions of stacking wood.
🔗 But complaining would not keep the house warm, so he fetched the axe, propped up bow and quiver beside the chopping‐block, and got to work.

chopbeperken; bezuinigen; hak; hakken; kappen; karbonade; kloof; kloven; korte golfslag; kotelet; plotseling omslaan; slag; spleet; stempel; stuk; verminderen
chopping‐boardhakblok; hakbord; vleesplank