Angla–Esperanta vortaro

Esperanta traduko de la angla vorto stone‐dead

angla → esperanto
tute senviva
🔗 You’ll be stone‐dead in a moment.
(late) ()
🔗 He’s dead, Jim.
(inanimate; lifeless; barren) (
🔗 Bring out your dead!
(clay; earthen; earthenware)
(metalled; stony; adamant)
🔗 Crouched against the stone wall, he listened.
🔗 A stone, coming from nowhere, crashed into the ground at his feet.
(core; kernel; pit; gist; nub; pith; crux)
🔗 He was dragged outside the city and stoned to death.
🔗 A long time ago he told me he weighed 16 stone.