Angla–Esperanta vortaro

Esperanta traduko de la angla vorto spokesman

angla → esperanto
🔗 No one else in the group was affected, the spokesman said.
polica porparolanto
🔗 He may have used explosives in the futile attempt to elude police, police spokesman Dave Procopio told CNN.
(bloke; fellow; male)
🔗 And if we had ships, we could not spare the men to man them, not even for the princess Helen.
(human; human being)
🔗 What sort of men were they who tended these fires?
(human race; mankind; humanity)
(agent; operative)
🔗 The four men drank wine.
🔗 Rand was too tired, too stunned, to speak.
🔗 Speak, and you go free.
🔗 Most of the people CNN spoke with said they went via the United Arab Emirates or India.