Angla–Esperanta vortaro

Esperanta traduko de la angla vorto shipmaster

angla → esperanto
(captain; master)
🔗 Anyone who masters the contents of this book in six months has every reason to be satisfied with his achievement.
(lord; boss)
(govern; restrain; cover; head; be in charge; be in charge of; be at the head of)
(boss; chief; leader; governor; head; prefect)
(instructor; teacher)
🔗 Master these chapters, and you’ve mastered PHP!
(captain; shipmaster) ()
(dispatch; send off; consign; forward)
🔗 Last year, the US accused North Korea of covertly shipping artillery shells to Russia.
(vessel) ()
🔗 It has few working ships, a result of budget cuts by the ruling African National Congress (ANC).