Angla–Esperanta vortaro

Esperanta traduko de la angla vorto risky

angla → esperanto
(adventuresome; adventurous; hazardous; rash; unsafe)
🔗 Sources familiar with the French position told the UK that officials in Paris were “puzzled” at why the EU would be expected to accept a British customs plan that was so complex, risky and burdensome for it and its businesses, to no benefit.
(hazard; venture; put at risk)
🔗 He could not risk the village on the chance Moraine was wrong.
(hazard; venture; chance)
🔗 And to many, the risk to Trump’s presidency is obvious.
(run risks)
🔗 She said most Russians don’t want this war, but they risk going to gaol if they try to stand up to Putin.