Angla–Esperanta vortaro

Esperanta traduko de la angla vorto absence

angla → esperanto
(; )
(lack; dearth) ()
🔗 The absence of activity on the ground indicated that they were getting ready.
absence of mind
(absentness; absent‐mindedness)
absence of mind
(absentness; absent‐mindedness)
absence of mind
(distraction; inattention; bemusement)
absence of mind
in absence of
je foresto de
in absence of
je manko de
in one’s absence
in one’s absence
(in absentia)
en foresto de
🔗 This is because in the absence of a trade accord, the UK and the EU would do business using basic World Trade Organisation terms which would see tariffs imposed on goods.
in the absence of
manke de
pro manko de
🔗 What is conspicuously absent among these alternatives is the scenario of a democratic Russia.
(missing; wanting)
(be absent; be missing) (