Angla–Esperanta vortaro

Esperanta traduko de la angla vorto above‐mentioned

angla → esperanto
(above; aforementioned)
supre menciita
supre nomita
(north of)
(more than; over; north of; upwards of)
(over; beyond; up) (
supre de
(on top; overhead; up; aloft; at the top)
🔗 Each scrutinized the conduct of those above, while concealing his own affairs from those below.
(up; uphill; upwards; upward; aloft)
(above‐mentioned; aforementioned)
supre menciita
supre nomita
supre ĉi
(upper; super; surface; top)
(before; in front of; to; ahead of; ago)
🔗 Another argument often used is that Marco, his father and his uncle are not mentioned in any Chinese document.
🔗 Several features of Segnosaurus deserve mention.