Spanish–English dictionary

English translation of the Spanish word castaña

Spanish → English
SpanishEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
castaña de agua
castaña de tierra
(batata de caña; pataca; tupinambo; topinambur)
Jerusalem artichoke

castaña bun; chestnut; chignon; common horse‐chestnut; conker tree; marron; Spanish chestnut; sweet chestnut
castaña borde common horse‐chestnut; conker tree; horse‐chestnut
castaña de Indias common horse‐chestnut; conker tree; horse‐chestnut
castaña de la India common horse‐chestnut; conker tree; horse‐chestnut
castaña de Pará brazil‐nut
castaña de tierra earth apple; girasol; girasole; Jerusalem artichoke; sunchoke; sunroot
castaña india common horse‐chestnut; conker tree; horse‐chestnut
castaña loca common horse‐chestnut; conker tree; horse‐chestnut
castaña montesina common horse‐chestnut; conker tree; horse‐chestnut
castaña pilonga common horse‐chestnut; conker tree; horse‐chestnut