Spanish–English dictionary

English translation of the Spanish word abeto

Spanish → English
SpanishEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(abeto noble; abeto prócer)
noble fir
(abeto común)
(abeto blanco)
Algerian fir
(abeto griego)
Greek fir
Korean fir
(pino de Oregón)
; ; ;
(abeto falso; pícea)
(abeto gigante; abeto grande)
grand fir
giant fir
lowland white fir
great silver fir
western white fir
Vancouver fir
abeto falso
(abeto del norte; pícea)
(abeto de Vancouver; abeto grande)
grand fir
giant fir
lowland white fir
great silver fir
western white fir
Vancouver fir
(abeto de Vancouver; abeto gigante)
grand fir
giant fir
lowland white fir
great silver fir
western white fir
Vancouver fir
(abeto de Cefalonia)
Greek fir
(abeto azul del Oregón; abeto prócer)
noble fir
(abeto azul del Oregón; abeto noble)
noble fir

abetofir; fir‐tree; hemlock
abeto azul del Oregónnoble fir
abeto balsámicobalsam fir
abeto blancosilver fir; European silver fir
abeto comúnsilver fir; European silver fir
abeto de ArgeliaAlgerian fir
abeto de CefaloniaGreek fir
abeto de CoreaKorean fir
abeto de DouglasDouglas‐fir
abeto del Canadáhemlock; hemlock‐spruce
abeto del Coloradowhite fir; Colorado fir; Colorado white fir; concolor fir
abeto del nortespruce; spruce‐tree
abeto de NordmannNordmann fir
abeto de Vancouvergrand fir; giant fir; lowland white fir; great silver fir; western white fir; Vancouver fir
abeto falsospruce; spruce‐tree
abeto gigantegrand fir; giant fir; lowland white fir; great silver fir; western white fir; Vancouver fir
abeto grandegrand fir; giant fir; lowland white fir; great silver fir; western white fir; Vancouver fir
abeto griegoGreek fir
abeto noblenoble fir
abeto prócernoble fir