English–German dictionary

German translation of the English word African

English → German
EnglishGerman (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Throughout his visit, none of the African political leaders or civil servants he came face to face with even attempted to challenge Lavrov’s lies.
🔗 I am an African.
African arrowroot
(Indian shot; edible canna; purple arrowroot; Sierra Leone arrowroot)
Indisches Blumenrohr
india kanao
African buffalo
Afrikanischer Büffel
African civet
Afrikanische Zibetkatze
African grey hornbill
griza kornbekulo
African ground‐squirrel
Afrikanisches Borstenhörnchen
African horned cucumber
(horned melon; African horned melon; jelly melon; hedged gourd; melano; kiwano)
African horned melon
(horned melon; African horned cucumber; jelly melon; hedged gourd; melano; kiwano)
African marigold
(Mexican marigold; Aztec marigold)
Aufrechte Studentenblume
rekta tageto
African olive pigeon
(Rameron pigeon)
Gefleckte Waldtaube
oliva kolombo
African Union
African wood‐sorrel
(Bermuda buttercup; Bermuda sorrel; buttercup oxalis; Cape sorrel; goat’s‐foot; soursop; English weed)
Nickender Sauerklee
Niedriger Sauerklee
kapropieda oksalido
Central African
Zentralafrikanische Republik
🔗 At least 30 armed men from Chad, Cameroon and the Central African Republic were arrested late last month, a minister said.
🔗 South African president Jacob Zuma married his longtime fiancée in a private ceremony at his rural home, making her one of his four current wives.
South African ground‐squirrel
(Cape ground‐squirrel)
🔗 Only 7,100 cheetahs are left in the wild, almost all of them in Africa.

African Afrikaner; Afrikanerin; afrikanisch
African arrowroot Indisches Blumenrohr
African buffalo Afrikanischer Büffel; Kaffernbüffel
African civet Afrikanische Zibetkatze
African grey hornbill Grautoko
African ground‐squirrel Afrikanisches Borstenhörnchen
African horned cucumber Horngurke; Hornmelone
African marigold Aufrechte Studentenblume
African olive pigeon Fleckentaube; Gefleckte Waldtaube; Gelbaugentaube; Oliventaube; Purpurtaube
African Union Afrikanische Union
African violet Usambaraveilchen
African wood‐sorrel Nickender Sauerklee; Niedriger Sauerklee
Central African Republic Zentralafrikanische Republik
South African Südafrikaner; Südafrikanerin; südafrikanisch
South African ground‐squirrel Kapborstenhörnchen
Africa Afrika