English–Esperanto dictionary

Esperanto translation of the English word windbreak

English → Esperanto
(break off)
(control; subdue; train)
(intermission; pause; recess; interlude; lull; respite; interval)
(break off)
(interrupt; disrupt; stop; cut off)
(interruption; stop)
(contravene; ignore; infringe; violate)
🔗 Ministers of his own government have admitted it would break international law.
(break down)
🔗 Those same troops are now engaged in battle, supporting forces who have broken through Russian lines in at least three places, as part of a long‐planned counter‐offensive in the south.
(damage; injure; spoil; harm; hurt; impair; mutilate; vitiate)
🔗 Bushfires have raged across several Australian states for months, but high temperatures and strong winds have pushed the danger level to severe in the past week.
(roll; roll up; wind up; wrap round; wrap)
(bend; curve)
(meander; twist; wind around; slither; weave; snake) ()
(belch; burp)

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