English–Esperanto dictionary

Esperanto translation of the English word teardrop

English → Esperanto
(drop of water) ()
(fall; lapse)
🔗 Hotel room reservations from the Russian market have already dropped by 70% for this high season.
(drip; spot)
(decrease; diminish; fall; reduce; shrink; dwindle; ease)
(fall; fall off; tumble down)
(downfall; fall)
(fall; lapse)
lasi defali
(lower; lay in rest)
(descend; go down; sink; lower oneself)
🔗 The head dropped.
(annul; cancel; lift; nullify; rescind)
(parachute; airdrop)
(abatement; decrease; diminishment)
🔗 In 2020 alone, Cuba’s economy shrank by 11 percent, the largest drop since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
rifuzi konsideri
(tear apart; tear to shreds)
🔗 Egwene, running by with her arms full of bedsheets torn into bandages, looked at them without slowing.
fari ŝiron en
🔗 Unlike the sheep’s gut condoms, they could stretch and did not tear quickly when used.
🔗 One of the women sniffed and poked a finger through a tear in the sleeve of his only coat, then added it to the pile on the floor.

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