English–Esperanto dictionary

Esperanto translation of the English word sunstroke

English → Esperanto
(; )
(apoplectic fit; fit; seizure; stroke of apoplexy; apoplexy)
(caress; chuck; fondle; snog; soothe; pet)
(caress; chuck)
(streak; dash)
(diagonal; separatrix; slash; solidus; virgule)
(turn; revolution; rotation; swirl; vortex; wriggle; whirl)
(turn; revolution)
(blow; hit; strike; whack; jab; lash)
(knock; blow; hit; smack; strike; poke)
(movement; move; motion; shift)
froti sur
🔗 Mazirian stroked his chin.
🔗 The sun and wind had changed her, too.