English–Esperanto dictionary

Esperanto translation of the English word redirect

English → Esperanto
(conduct; drive; guide; head; lead; manage; refer; steer; address)
(conduct; drive; guide; head; lead; show the way)
(erect; square; straight; straightforward)
🔗 According to Japanese legend, he is a direct descendant of Japan’s first emperor Zimmu, circa 660 BC.
(immediate; instant; instantaneous; outright; prompt)
(continual; continuous; lasting)
(directly; square; straight; straight ahead)
🔗 The text includes numerous exercises and examples—some of them taken direct from Danish literature—chosen to illustrate the different styles in use today and to introduce the reader to the life and culture of modern Denmark.
(command; dictate; order; tell)
🔗 It has directed the capital’s inspector general of police to arrest K̲h̲ān and present him before the election body on Tuesday.

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