English–Esperanto dictionary

Esperanto translation of the English word ran

English → Esperanto
(expand; extend; range; reach; stretch; spread)
(flow; stream)
🔗 However, the Yellow River, a major river which runs through Lánzhōu, has not been contaminated, Xīnhuá said.
(function; operate; work; perform; act)
(race; dash; speed; sprint; stampede)
🔗 Then he ran toward the sheds where the cows and horses were kept.
(roll; revolve)
(be valid; count; apply) ()
🔗 After the talks Ms. Merkel said a delay that runs to the end of the year or the start of 2020 was a possibility.
(be at the head; be in charge)
🔗 But now general Gerasimov has to run a real war.