English–Esperanto dictionary

Esperanto translation of the English word bring

English → Esperanto
(fetch; fetch and carry; retrieve)
🔗 They have brought a ram.
(convey; supply; bring by vehicle)
(send for; get; fetch) (
🔗 Mazirian brought him close to earth.
(fetch; get; pick up) ()
(conduct; guide; lead; channel; wage; drive; show; usher)
🔗 Bring her to me.
(cause; get; make; have)
🔗 That might bring the US to focus once more on the myriad crises in the Middle East.
(cause; give rise to; provoke; result in; inflict; wreak)
🔗 Pounding on the door brought only a single shout from the mayor.
bring about
(cause; lead to; result in; turn out)
bring about
(evoke; arouse)
bring back
(shoot; down; shoot down)
🔗 The Russian defence ministry says the attacks were carried out by Ukrainian drones, which it claims were brought down by Russian air‐defences
bring in
(give; yive)
(produce; publish; elicit)
🔗 He brought out Vaidro’s letter.
bring round
(talk round; persuade; move; induce; impel)
bring to an end
(end; finish; terminate; conclude; put the kibosh on; put an end to; have finished)
(breed; educate; raise; rear)
ekdiskuti pri
ekparoli pri
🔗 For Tam to bring it up now meant he had noticed, but he said nothing more about it