English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word yellow‐billed

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(pruning‐knife; billhook)
(draught; draw)
(placard; poster)
(negotiable security; note; negotiable instrument);
(act; deed); ;
🔗 Without the spending cuts in the failed bill, any tax cuts will add to the budget deficit.
eastern yellow‐billed hornbill
(northern yellow‐billed hornbill)
Ethiopische geelsnaveltok
orienta flavbeka kornbekulo
northern yellow‐billed hornbill
(eastern yellow‐billed hornbill)
Ethiopische geelsnaveltok
orienta flavbeka kornbekulo
southern yellow‐billed hornbill
zuidelijke geelsnaveltok
suda flavbeka kornbekulo
yellow‐billed chough
(alpine chough)
yellow‐billed cuckoo
flavbeka kukolo
yellow‐billed hornbill
flavbeka kornbekulo
yellow‐billed loon
(white‐billed diver)
blankbeka kolimbo
yellow‐billed magpie
(American magpie)
flavbeka pigo
🔗 He saw a yellow dome.
(turn yellow)

billaanklacht; aankondigen; aanplakbiljet; akte van beschuldiging; bankbiljet; bek; bijl; cedel; ceel; de rekening sturen; door biljetten aankondigen; flap; hellebaard; lijst; nota; ontwerp; op de rekening zetten; op het programma zetten; program; programma; raambiljet; rekening; snavel; sneb; snoeimes; strooibiljet; voorstel; wetsontwerp; wetsvoorstel; wissel
eastern yellow‐billed hornbillEthiopische geelsnaveltok
northern yellow‐billed hornbillEthiopische geelsnaveltok
southern yellow‐billed hornbillzuidelijke geelsnaveltok
yellow‐billed choughalpenkauw
yellow‐billed cuckoogeelsnavelkoekoek
yellow‐billed loongeelsnavelduiker
yellow‐billed magpiegeelsnavelekster
yelloweigeel; geel; laf; lafhartig; vergelen

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