English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word tiger

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
Asian tiger mosquito
(tiger mosquito; forest mosquito)
tiger beetle
tiger day‐lily
(orange day‐lily; tawny day‐lily; fulvous day‐lily)
tiger lily
(orange lily; fire lily)
; ; ;
tiger lotus
(Egyptian white waterlily; white Egyptian lotus; white lotus)
witte lotus
tiger mosquito
(forest mosquito; Asian tiger mosquito)
🔗 A tigress in India which is said to have killed 13 people has been shot dead after a major hunt, officials say.

tiger tijger
Asian tiger mosquito Aziatische tijgermug; tijgermug
Bengal tiger Bengaalse tijger
paper tiger papieren tijger
royal tiger koningstijger
tiger beetle zandloopkever
tiger day‐lily bruine daglelie
tiger lily boerenlelie; oranjelelie; roggelelie; tijgerlelie; vuurlelie
tiger lotus witte lotus
tiger mosquito Aziatische tijgermug; tijgermug
tiger’s skin tijgervel
tiger‐cat tijgerkat
tiger‐hunt tijgerjacht
tiger‐hunting tijgerjacht
tigerish tijgerachtig
tigress tijgerin