English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word swift

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(fast; quick; rapid; speedy; expeditious; prompt); ;
🔗 Those who were swift enough (and had the Schengen visas that made it possible), jumped into the last planes going to the European Union (EU) in the first days of the war.
🔗 The swift fall of Izjum was Russia’s worst military defeat since its troops were forced back from the Ukrainian capital Kyiv in March.
white‐rumped swift
kafra apuso
(fast; quickly; expeditiously; promptly; rapidly; apace; at speed; at a quick rate)
; ;

swift er vlug bij; gauw; gezwind; gierzwaluw; ras; schielijk; snel; steenzwaluw; torenzwaluw; vlug
swift as an arrow pijlsnel
white‐rumped swift kaffergierzwaluw
swift‐footed rap; snelvoetig
swiftly rap; snel; vlug