English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word shed

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(stand; booth; lean‐to; stall)
(cast; unseat)
(pour; scatter; tip); ;
🔗 There will be no tears shed here at all, if indeed he has died.
(spill; shower)
(cabin; hut; shack; shanty)
(stable; stall; sty; outbuilding; outhouse)
building shed
(shed light upon; throw light on)
🔗 Others suggested Lú’s remarks may also shed light on Běijīng’s real diplomatic priorities.
(blood‐letting; carnage)
(byre; cowhouse)

shed afdak; afwerpen; berghok; bergplaats; hok; hut; keet; koestal; laten vallen; loods; plengen; remise; schuur; schuurtje; stal; storten; vergieten; verliezen; verspreiden; werpen; wisselen
bicycle shed fietsenhok; fietshok; rijwielstalling
building shed bouwkeet; directiekeet
customs shed douaneloods
freight shed vrachtloods
garden shed tuinschuurtje
goods shed goederenloods
shed feathers ruien
shed its load zijn lading verliezen
shed light on belichten; duidelijk maken; licht werpen op
shed one’s hair verharen
tool shed gereedschapsschuurtje
bloodshed bloedstorting; bloedvergieten; slachting
cart‐shed wagenhuis
coal‐shed kolenhok; kolenschuur
cowshed koeiestal; stal; veestal
shedding storting
shed‐door schuurdeur
wood‐shed houthok; houtloods; houtschuur