English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word phlox

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
annual phlox
(Drummond phlox)
eenjarige vlambloem
Drummond phlox
(annual phlox)
eenjarige vlambloem
fall phlox
(garden phlox; perennial phlox)
garden phlox
(fall phlox; perennial phlox)
perennial phlox
(fall phlox; garden phlox)

phloxflox; vlambloem
annual phloxeenjarige vlambloem
Drummond phloxeenjarige vlambloem
fall phloxherfstsering
garden phloxherfstsering
perennial phloxherfstsering