English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word peg‐awl

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(piercer; pricker);
(apéritif; appetizer; drachm; nip; snifter; snorter; aperitive)
(plug; spigot; stopgap);
(affix; appoint; attach; determine; fasten; fix; make fast; secure; set; stick; belay)
🔗 The currency was initially pegged to the French franc but has been linked to the euro since 1999.

awlels; priem
pegbevriezen; borrel; haak; haring; houten been; houten nagel; houten pen; kapstok; keil; knijper; knop; koppelen; met een pin vastmaken; met wasknijpers ophangen; neutje; ophangen; paaltje; pen; pikketanissie; pin; pinnen; schroef; spie; stabiliseren; stop; tentharing; vastmaken; vastpinnen; wasklem; wasknijper

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