English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word influx‐control

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(actuate; enable; implement; operate; work)
(ascendance; ascendancy; governance; regulation; reign; rule; ruling);
🔗 All these forms of control have been tried and tested in Thailand in the past.
(bridle; check; curb; inhibit; restrain; rein in; contain)
(break; subdue; train); ;
tot gehoorzaamheid dwingen
(concourse; flood; flood‐tide; flow; high tide; inflow)
🔗 The first major influx of refugees from Burma arrived in Thailand in 1984.

controlbedienen; bediening; bedieningspaneel; bedwang; bedwingen; beheer; beheersen; beheersing; beheren; beperking; bestrijden; bestrijding; besturen; besturing; bestuur; controle; controleren; in bedwang houden; leiden; leiding; macht; nakijken; regelaar; regelen; regeling; regelknop; regeren; toezicht; zeggenschap; zelfbeheersing
influxbinnenstromen; stroom; toestroom; toevloed; toevloeiing

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